# mtexsplice.def # alter an Mtexx file to contain the contents of an image # Usage: mtexdec.py # Requires the Python Imaging Library. # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 CensoredUsername import sys import os from os import path import struct import PIL.Image import functools from collections import Counter USE_PIL_QUANTIZE = False MAGIC = 0x7865744D C_SPEEDUP = False FULL_FULL = 0x1 HALF_FULL = 0x2 HALF_HALF = 0x3 @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=256) #will probably be called many times for the same value def find_closest_color(colormap, color): #colormap and color should be bytes or bytearray's if color in colormap: return colormap.index(color) closest = 0 distance = 10000000000 #we'll define distance as |r-r|+|b-b|+|c-c|+3*|a-a| if len(color) == 4: #4-byte colors for i, colorm in enumerate(colormap): dist = (abs(color[0]-colorm[0])+abs(color[1]-colorm[1])+abs(color[2]-colorm[2])+3*abs(color[3]-colorm[3])) if dist < distance: closest = i distance = dist else: #2-byte colors: atm unused because I expand the colormap to 4 bytes for i, colorm in enumerate(colormap): dist = (((abs(color[0])>>4)-(abs(color[0])>>4))+((abs(color[0])&15)-(abs(color[0])&15))+ ((abs(color[1])>>4)-(abs(color[1])>>4))+3*((abs(color[1])&15)-(abs(color[1])&15))) if dist < distance: closest = i distance = dist return closest mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if 'colorfilter.dll' in os.listdir(mypath) and sys.platform.startswith('win'): import ctypes try: ourdll = ctypes.CDLL(path.join(mypath, 'colorfilter.dll')) C_SPEEDUP = True except: pass def image_into_mtex(mtex, image, dest, create_new_colormap = False): with open(mtex, 'rb') as f: magic = struct.unpack(' aL if len(set(grey)) <= 16: colormap = grey + [grey[-1]]*(16-len(grey)) else: # count = Counter(grey) # y = count.most_common(16) # colormap = [i for i,_ in y] colormap = reducecolors(grey, 16) colormap += [b'\x00\x00']*16 colormap = b''.join(sorted(colormap)) # print('converting colormap') # we always start with 4-byte colors. if format == FULL_FULL or format == HALF_FULL: #if 4-byte colormap matchmap = [colormap[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(colormap), 4)] else: #if 2-byte colormap, we'll convert it to 4 byte here. indexes will still be the same matchmap = [colormap[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(colormap), 2)] matchmap = [bytes([i[1],i[1],i[1],i[0]]) for i in matchmap] matchmap = matchmap[:16] if C_SPEEDUP: cmaplength = len(matchmap) matchmap = [i for i in b''.join(matchmap)] matchmap = (ctypes.c_int * (4*cmaplength) )(*matchmap) length = len(repl_pixels) ccolors = (ctypes.c_int * (4*length) )(*[i for i in b''.join(repl_pixels)]) function = ourdll.indexiterate function.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int*length) indices = function(matchmap, ctypes.c_int(cmaplength), ccolors, ctypes.c_int(length)) finalindices = [bytes([i]) for i in indices.contents] else: matchmap = tuple(matchmap) # print('calculating indices') finalindices = [bytes([find_closest_color(matchmap, i)]) for i in repl_pixels] # very performance intensive. # print('building file') if format == FULL_FULL: #4-byte image imagedata = finalindices elif format == HALF_FULL or format == HALF_HALF: #2-byte image, concatenate 2 bytes into one imagedata = [] for i in range(0, len(finalindices), 2): imagedata.append(bytes([finalindices[i][0]+(finalindices[i+1][0]<<4)])) imagedata = b''.join(imagedata) with open(dest,'wb') as g: g.write(header) g.write(imagedata) g.write(colormap) def image_into_image(image, dest, mode=256): """shows how the output of the quantization algorithm will look""" image = PIL.Image.open(image) #if image.mode != 'RGBA': # image.convert('RGBA') if USE_PIL_QUANTIZE: image = image.convert("P", palette = PIL.Image.ADAPTIVE, colors = (256 if format == FULL_FULL else 16)) if image.mode != 'RGBA': image = image.convert('RGBA') replacement = image.tobytes() repl_pixels = [replacement[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(replacement), 4)] repl_size = image.size if mode == 256: colors = list(set(repl_pixels)) if len(colors) <= 256: colormap = colors + [colors[-1]]*(256-len(colors)) else: # find the 256 most appearing colors # count = Counter(repl_pixels) # y = count.most_common(256) # colormap = [i for i,_ in y] colormap = reducecolors(colors, 256) elif mode == 16: colors = list(set(repl_pixels)) if len(colors) <= 16: colormap = colors + [colors[-1]]*(16-len(colors)) else: # find the 256 most appearing colors # count = Counter(repl_pixels) # y = count.most_common(16) # colormap = [i for i,_ in y] colormap = reducecolors(colors, 16) else: raise ValueError('ony mode 256 or mode 16 supported') #print(sorted(colormap)) colormap = b''.join(sorted(colormap)) matchmap = tuple([colormap[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(colormap), 4)]) print('calculating indices') if C_SPEEDUP: cmaplength = len(matchmap) cmatchmap = [i for i in b''.join(matchmap)] cmatchmap = (ctypes.c_int * (4*cmaplength) )(*cmatchmap) length = len(repl_pixels) ccolors = (ctypes.c_int * (4*length) )(*[i for i in b''.join(repl_pixels)]) function = ourdll.indexiterate function.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int*length) indices = function(cmatchmap, ctypes.c_int(cmaplength), ccolors, ctypes.c_int(length)) finalindices = [i for i in indices.contents] else: matchmap = tuple(matchmap) finalindices = [find_closest_color(matchmap, i) for i in repl_pixels] # very performance intensive. print('building file') #ok, got the indices, now calculate back newdata = b''.join([matchmap[i] for i in finalindices]) newimage = PIL.Image.frombuffer('RGBA', repl_size, newdata, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1) newimage.save(dest) def reducecolors(colors, amount=256): #turn bytes into arrays if len(colors) < amount: raise ValueError('can\'t quantize into higher amount') if len(colors[0]) == 4: lencolors = 4 else: lencolors = 2 newcolors = [] for i in colors: if lencolors == 4: newcolors.append([i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]]) else: newcolors.append([i[0], i[1]]) if amount == 256: orderedcolors = quantize256(newcolors) else: orderedcolors = quantize16(newcolors) if lencolors == 4: return [bytes(average4(i, j, amount)) for j, i in enumerate(orderedcolors)] else: return [bytes(average2(i, j)) for j, i in enumerate(orderedcolors)] def quantize256(colors): colors1 = quantize16(colors) colors2 = [] for color in colors1: colors2.extend(quantize16(color)) return colors2 # 256 color values def quantize16(colors): a, b = sort(colors, 0) c, d = sort(a, 1) e, f = sort(b, 1) h, i = sort(c, 2) j, k = sort(d, 2) l, m = sort(e, 2) n, o = sort(f, 2) return (sort(h, 3) + sort(i, 3) + sort(j, 3) + sort(k, 3) + sort(l, 3) + sort(m, 3) + sort(n, 3) + sort(o, 3)) def sort(array, index): a = sorted(array, key = lambda x: x[index]) return [a[:len(a)//2],a[len(a)//2:]] def average4(colors, index, amount): COLORDIST = COLORDIST256 if amount==256 else COLORDIST16f av = [avg(red(colors),COLORDIST[index][0]), avg(green(colors),COLORDIST[index][1]), avg(blue(colors),COLORDIST[index][2]), avg(alpha(colors),COLORDIST[index][3])] return min(colors, key = lambda x: ((x[0]-av[0])**2+(x[1]-av[1])**2+(x[2]-av[2])**2+3*(x[3]-av[3])**2)) def average2(colors, index): av = [avg(red(colors),COLORDIST16h[index][0],2), avg(green(colors),COLORDIST16h[index][1],2)] return min(colors, key = lambda x: ((x[0]-av[0])**2+(x[1]-av[1])**2)) def avg(values, whereto, wheretorange=4): if wheretorange == 4 and (whereto == 1 or whereto == 2): return round(sum(values)/len(values)) elif (wheretorange == 4 and whereto == 3) or (wheretorange == 2 and whereto == 1): return (max(values)) elif whereto == 0: return (min(values)) #return round(sum(values)/len(values)) def red(colors): return [i[0] for i in colors] def green(colors): return [i[1] for i in colors] def blue(colors): return [i[2] for i in colors] def alpha(colors): return [i[3] for i in colors] COLORDIST256 = [ [0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,1],[0,1,0,0],[0,1,0, 1],[0,1,1,0],[0,1,1,1],[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,1],[1,0,1,0],[1,0, 1,1],[1,1,0,0],[1,1,0,1],[1,1,1,0],[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,2],[ 0,0,0,3],[0,0,1,2],[0,0,1,3],[0,1,0,2],[0,1,0,3],[0,1,1,2 ],[0,1,1,3],[1,0,0,2],[1,0,0,3],[1,0,1,2],[1,0,1,3],[1,1, 0,2],[1,1,0,3],[1,1,1,2],[1,1,1,3],[0,0,2,0],[0,0,2,1],[0, 0,3,0],[0,0,3,1],[0,1,2,0],[0,1,2,1],[0,1,3,0],[0,1,3,1], [1,0,2,0],[1,0,2,1],[1,0,3,0],[1,0,3,1],[1,1,2,0],[1,1,2, 1],[1,1,3,0],[1,1,3,1],[0,0,2,2],[0,0,2,3],[0,0,3,2],[0,0, 3,3],[0,1,2,2],[0,1,2,3],[0,1,3,2],[0,1,3,3],[1,0,2,2],[ 1,0,2,3],[1,0,3,2],[1,0,3,3],[1,1,2,2],[1,1,2,3],[1,1,3,2 ],[1,1,3,3],[0,2,0,0],[0,2,0,1],[0,2,1,0],[0,2,1,1],[0,3, 0,0],[0,3,0,1],[0,3,1,0],[0,3,1,1],[1,2,0,0],[1,2,0,1],[1, 2,1,0],[1,2,1,1],[1,3,0,0],[1,3,0,1],[1,3,1,0],[1,3,1,1], [0,2,0,2],[0,2,0,3],[0,2,1,2],[0,2,1,3],[0,3,0,2],[0,3,0, 3],[0,3,1,2],[0,3,1,3],[1,2,0,2],[1,2,0,3],[1,2,1,2],[1,2, 1,3],[1,3,0,2],[1,3,0,3],[1,3,1,2],[1,3,1,3],[0,2,2,0],[ 0,2,2,1],[0,2,3,0],[0,2,3,1],[0,3,2,0],[0,3,2,1],[0,3,3,0 ],[0,3,3,1],[1,2,2,0],[1,2,2,1],[1,2,3,0],[1,2,3,1],[1,3, 2,0],[1,3,2,1],[1,3,3,0],[1,3,3,1],[0,2,2,2],[0,2,2,3],[0, 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