# console.rpy # Ren'Py debug console # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Shiz, C, delta. # Released under the WTFPL: see http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for details. # # Usage: # With config.developer set to True, press the tilde (~) on QWERTY open the console. # Type 'help' for in-console help. Press the tilde or hash again to close the console. # # The following configuration variables are offered for customization: # - config.debug_console_layer: the layer the debug console will draw on, will be created at init-time. default: 'debug_console' # - config.debug_console_history_size: the number of commands to store in history. default: 100 # - config.debug_console_keybind: the key combination used to open the console. default: 'shift_K_BACKQUOTE', which defaults to the tilde (~) on QWERTY. # - config.debug_console_custom_commands: a simple name -> function dictionary for custom commands. Command functions should take a single parameter, the full command. # # The following styles are offered for customization: # - debug_console: the debug console frame. # # - debug_console_input: the input frame. # - debug_console_prompt: the '>' or '...' text preceding a command input. # - debug_console_input_text: the actual text that is being input by the user. # # - debug_console_history: the history frame. # - debug_console_history_item: an item frame in the history. # - debug_console_command: a command frame in the command history. # - debug_console_command_text: the actual command text. # - debug_console_result: the result frame from a command in the command history, if applicable. # - debug_console_result_text: the actual result text. # # - debug_console_trace: the trace box used to show expression and variable traces. # # Changelog: # v1.2: Added custom keybinding to open console, allowed pressing the console key again to close it, UI revamp, # added more styling options, added configuration variables, added support for variable and expression tracing, Python expressions # now also capture console (stdout, stderr) output, added custom commands, partially fixed rollback issue. # v1.1b: Added nicer handling of multi-line input. # v1.1: Fixed python: block support, fixed spacing issue in showing multi-line commands in command history. # v1.0: Initial release. # # Known bugs/defects: # - Transform or image definitions do not work because they must be defined at init-time. # - Menus can mess with flow. This is solved by adding 'return' to the end of every console-defined menu option. # - When writing multi-line blocks, you can't go back to a previous line to edit it. # - Rollback after executing a Ren'Py command works, but isn't fully smooth yet. # Tested on Ren'Py 6.13.11. Not guaranteed to work on any other version. # Configuration and style initalization. python early: # Create configuration variables. locked = config.locked config.locked = False config.debug_console_layer = 'debug_console' config.debug_console_history_size = 100 config.debug_console_keybind = 'shift_K_BACKQUOTE' config.debug_console_custom_commands = { } config.locked = locked # Create default styles. See above for documentation. style.create('debug_console', 'frame') style.debug_console.background = "#00000000" style.debug_console.xpos = 0 style.debug_console.ypos = 0 style.debug_console.xpadding = 0 style.debug_console.ypadding = 0 style.create('debug_console_input', 'frame') style.debug_console_input.background = "#00000040" style.debug_console_input.xpos = 0 style.debug_console_input.ypos = 0 style.debug_console_input.xpadding = 0 style.debug_console_input.ypadding = 0 style.debug_console_input.xfill = True style.create('debug_console_prompt', 'text') style.debug_console_prompt.color = "#ffffff" style.debug_console_prompt.xpos = 50 style.create('debug_console_input_text', 'input') style.debug_console_input_text.color = "#fafafa" style.debug_console_input_text.xpos = 50 style.create('debug_console_history', 'frame') style.debug_console_history.background = "#00000000" style.debug_console_history.xpos = 0 style.debug_console_history.ypos = 0 style.debug_console_history.xpadding = 0 style.debug_console_history.ypadding = 0 style.debug_console_history.xfill = True style.debug_console_history.yfill = True style.create('debug_console_history_item', 'frame') style.debug_console_history_item.background = "#00000040" style.debug_console_history_item.xpos = 0 style.debug_console_history_item.ypos = 0 style.debug_console_history_item.xpadding = 0 style.debug_console_history_item.ypadding = 0 style.debug_console_history_item.top_margin = 4 style.debug_console_history_item.xfill = True style.create('debug_console_command', 'frame') style.debug_console_command.background = "#00000040" style.create('debug_console_command_text', 'text') style.debug_console_command_text.color = "#ffffff" style.debug_console_command_text.xpos = 60 style.create('debug_console_result', 'frame') style.debug_console_result.background = "#00000000" style.create('debug_console_result_text', 'text') style.debug_console_result_text.color = "#ffffff" style.debug_console_result_text.xpos = 80 style.create('debug_console_trace', 'frame') style.debug_console_trace.background = "#00000040" style.debug_console_trace.xalign = 1.0 style.debug_console_trace.top_margin = 10 style.debug_console_trace.right_margin = 20 init 3735929054 python: # Simple circular buffer to hold the command history; # will automatically delete older commands once the limit has reached. class RingBuffer: def __init__(self, size, default_value=None): self.size = size self.default_value = default_value self.data = [ self.default_value for i in xrange(size)] def push(self, value): self.data.pop(0) self.data.append(value) def pop(self): self.data.append(self.default_value) return self.data.pop(0) def get(self, i): return self.data[i] def put(self, i, value): self.data[i] = value class DebugConsole: def __init__(self, layer='debug_console', history_size=100): self.enabled = False self.layer = layer self.history_size = history_size self.history = RingBuffer(self.history_size, default_value=(None, None)) self.custom_commands = {} self.traced_expressions = [] self.parent_context = None self.parent_node = None self.tail_node = None self.script_reentry_point = None self.help_message = ("" "Ren\'Py debug console\n" " by Shiz, C and delta.\n" "commands:\n" " - execute Ren'Py command as if it were placed in a script file.\n" " $ - execute Python command.\n" " clear - clear the command history.\n" " crash - crash the game with an appropriate error message.\n" " reload.R - reload the game.\n" " trace - trace variable or expression in overlay.\n" " untrace - stop tracing variable or expression.\n" " untraceall - stop tracing any variable or expression.\n" " help - show this message.\n" " exit/quit/~ - close the console.") def enable(self): if not self.enabled: self.enabled = True renpy.call_in_new_context('debug_console_trampoline') def disable(self): if self.enabled: ui.layer(self.layer) ui.clear() ui.close() self.enabled = False def draw(self, input_lines = [], current_depth = 0): # Clear out any existing content and draw the base frame. ui.layer(self.layer) ui.clear() ui.frame(style='debug_console') ui.vbox() # Draw current command input. self.draw_input(input_lines, current_depth) # Draw command history. self.draw_history() # Close console vbox and frame, and the console layer. ui.close() ui.close() def draw_input(self, input_lines = [], current_depth = 0): # Draw the input frame. ui.frame(style='debug_console_input') ui.vbox() # Draw prompt. ui.hbox() ui.text('> ', id='debug_console_prompt_0', style='debug_console_prompt') # Draw any previous input lines. line_count = 0 for line, depth in input_lines: # Draw input line content and close its hbox. ui.text(line, id='debug_console_line_' + str(line_count), style='debug_console_input_text') ui.close() # Figure out next line depth and print its appropriate prompt. line_count += 1 if len(input_lines) > line_count: next_line, next_depth = input_lines[line_count] else: next_depth = current_depth ui.hbox() ui.text(' ' + '....' * next_depth + ' ', id='debug_console_prompt_' + str(line_count), style='debug_console_prompt') # Draw input widget and close its hbox. Add a keymap to allow the same button that opened the console to instantly close it, # along with trapping the escape key, and disabling the right mouse click. ui.input('', id='debug_console_input', style='debug_console_input_text') ui.keymap(**{ config.debug_console_keybind: lambda: 'quit' }) ui.keymap(K_ESCAPE=lambda: 'quit') ui.keymap(mouseup_3=None) ui.close() # Close input vbox and frame. ui.close() def draw_history(self): # Draw command history, in reverse order. commands = range(self.history_size) commands.reverse() # Draw the history frame, and make it scrollable. ui.frame(style='debug_console_history') ui.viewport(mousewheel=True) ui.vbox(xpos=0, xfill=True) for i in commands: command, result = self.history.get(i) if command is None: continue # Draw command if not none, and draw result if applicable. ui.frame(style='debug_console_history_item') ui.vbox(xpadding=0, ypadding=0) ui.frame(xfill=True, style='debug_console_command') ui.text(self.sanitize(command), id='debug_console_command_' + str(i), style='debug_console_command_text') if result is not None: ui.frame(xfill=True, style='debug_console_result') ui.text(self.sanitize(result), id='debug_console_response_' + str(i), style='debug_console_result_text') # Close command vbox. ui.close() # Close history frame. ui.close() # Accept a command, allowing for recursive blocks. def take_command(self): command = "" depth = 0 lines = [] while True: # Draw console. self.draw(lines, depth) # Get input. mean = ui.interact() if mean == '' or mean == 'end': depth -= 1 else: lines.append((mean, depth)) command += "\n" + " " * depth + mean # Command enters in :, meaning a new block. Increase nesting. if mean.endswith(':'): depth += 1 # Draw another prompt if we are at a sublevel. if depth < 1: break # Clear all input lines now that we're done. return command.strip("\n") def interact(self, **kwargs): # Trick Ren'Py into thinking this context is rollback-able. renpy.game.context().rollback = True # Set script re-entry points and node list 'tail' for AST injection. self.parent_context = renpy.game.context(-2) self.parent_node = renpy.game.script.lookup(self.parent_context.current) self.tail_node = self.parent_node self.script_reentry_point = self.parent_node.next # Enter read-eval-print loop. while self.enabled: command = self.take_command() # 'quit', 'exit', an empty string or '~' exit the console interaction. if command == 'quit' or command == 'exit' or command == '~' or command == '': self.disable() return # 'clear' clears the command history and thus the screen. elif command == 'clear': for i in range(self.history_size): self.history.push((None, None)) else: result = self.execute(command) self.history.push((command, result)) # Allow the UI to adapt to its consequences. renpy.restart_interaction() def execute(self, command): from StringIO import StringIO # Try custom commands first. for c, func in self.custom_commands.items(): if command == c: try: return repr(func(command)) except: (name, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() return repr(value) # Crash the game with an appropriate error message. if command == 'crash': errors = [ 'expected statement', 'Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context.', 'screen() got an unexpected keyword argument _name' 'indentation mismatch', 'Could not find user-defined statement at runtime.', 'Context not capable of executing Ren\'Py code.', 'error in Python block starting at line %d: TypeError' % renpy.random.randint(1, 25), 'UnicodeDecodeError: \'utf8\' codec can\'t decode byte 0xa0 in position 1329: invalid start byte' ]; raise TypeError(renpy.random.choice(errors)) elif command == 'reload' or command == 'R': renpy.call_in_new_context('_save_reload_game') elif command == 'help': return self.help_message # Easter egg help. elif command == 'halp': return self.help_message.replace('e', 'a') # Trace expression. elif command.startswith('trace '): self.traced_expressions.append(command[6:]) # Untrace expression. elif command.startswith('untrace '): if command[8:] in self.traced_expressions: self.traced_expressions.remove(command[8:]) elif command.startswith('untraceall'): self.traced_expressions = [] # Easter egg. elif command == '...': return '...' # Python code. elif command.startswith('$'): return self.execute_python(command.lstrip('$ ')) # Python block. This needs to be handled seperately because Ren'Py will shit itself # on Python blocks here for some reason, and for consistency in Python code execution. elif command.startswith('python:'): # Remove Python block indicator (and associated newline) and the first level of indentation from each line. command = command[8:] command = "\n".join([ line[4:] for line in command.split("\n") ]) return self.execute_python(command, evaluate=False) # Ren'Py statement. else: return self.execute_renpy(command) def execute_python(self, code, evaluate = True): from StringIO import StringIO # Capture console output streams as well. console = StringIO() sys.stdout = console sys.stderr = console try: # Because eval can't handle assignments, definitions and other things, we have to pass on assignments to exec if encountered. # No, it's not pretty. if evaluate: try: result = repr(eval(code)) except SyntaxError, e: # Use renpy.store as locals, to properly store assignments. exec code in globals(), vars(renpy.store) result = None else: exec code in globals(), vars(renpy.store) result = None except: (name, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() result = repr(value) finally: # Restore console output streams. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ # Get and append result and output streams. console_output = console.getvalue() console.close() # Print console output to the console. if console_output: print console_output, result = self.safe_append(console_output, result) if result is not None: result = result.strip() return result def execute_renpy(self, command): # Transform command into logical parser lines. line_number = 1 lines = [] for line in command.splitlines(): if line.strip() == '': continue lines.append(('', line_number, line)) line_number += 1 # Generate logical blocks and feed them to the lexer. blocks = renpy.parser.group_logical_lines(lines) lexer = renpy.parser.Lexer(blocks) # Feed the lexer to the block parser, effectively parsing the command. nodes = renpy.parser.parse_block(lexer) if renpy.parser.parse_errors: # One or more errors occurred, display them. errors = renpy.parser.parse_errors renpy.parser.parse_errors = [] return "\n".join(errors) else: # No point in execution if there are no nodes. if len(nodes) == 0: return # First, chain the nodes. renpy.ast.chain_block(nodes, None) try: # Keep on going until we reach our re-entry point -- we don't want to go too far. node = nodes[0] while node and node != self.script_reentry_point: # Reset next node. renpy.game.context().next_node = None # We have to handle jump and call as special cases, since they involve context wizardry, # and we're in a different (debug console) context. if isinstance(node, renpy.ast.Jump): # Since we're exiting the console automatically while jumping, disable it first so we can get # back into it after the jump. self.disable() renpy.jump_out_of_context(node.target) elif isinstance(node, renpy.ast.Call): renpy.call_in_new_context(node.label) else: # Inject node and execute it. self.inject_node(node) node.execute() # Next node is determined by the current node executed. node = renpy.game.context().next_node # Make node available for roll-forward. if self.parent_context.seen: self.parent_context.seen_session[node.name] = True except renpy.game.JumpOutException: # Pass JumpOutExceptions back to our outer call_in_new_context, which will then perform the proper jump. raise except: (name, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() return repr(value) def safe_append(self, left, right): # Safely append two strings, counting an empty strings as None. if left is None or left == '': if right != '': return right return None elif right is None or right == '': return left else: return left + right # Perform actual AST injection. Don't ask. def inject_node(self, node): # Set next node of current script tail node to our newly-injected node self.tail_node.chain(node) # Set the new script tail node, and its next node to be back at our original script. self.tail_node = node self.tail_node.chain(self.script_reentry_point) # Sanitize string for Ren'Py display. def sanitize(self, str): return str.replace('[', '[[').replace('{', '{{') if config.developer: # Add the console layer. if not config.debug_console_layer in config.top_layers: config.top_layers.append(config.debug_console_layer) debug_console = DebugConsole(layer=config.debug_console_layer, history_size=config.debug_console_history_size) debug_console.custom_commands.update(config.debug_console_custom_commands) # Create proper debug overlay. def debug_overlay(): ui.keymap(**{ config.debug_console_keybind: debug_console.enable }) if len(debug_console.traced_expressions) > 0: ui.frame(style='debug_console_trace') ui.vbox() for expression in debug_console.traced_expressions: ui.hbox() ui.text(expression + ": ") ui.text(debug_console.sanitize(debug_console.execute_python(expression))) ui.close() ui.close() config.overlay_functions.append(debug_overlay) # This label is required for renpy.call_in_new_context(), # because renpy.invoke_in_new_context() has no support for renpy.jump_out_of_context() for jumps. label debug_console_trampoline: $ debug_console.interact()