init 1 python: ## User-defined keymap functionality. # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Shiz. # Tested on Ren'Py v6.99.8. # Released under the terms of the WTFPL; see for details. # # Usage: Loop over ukm_event_order in a screen for a list of events to bind to. # Skip None entries, they are there for adding spacing if you want to. # You can use the ukm_event_descriptions dict to get a user-faceable friendly description for every event, like 'Take screenshot'. # For every event entry, loop over ukm_get_bindings(event) for a list of current bindings for that event as (binding, name, joy) tuples. # # ukm_add_binding(event, binding, joy) is function that will add the given keymap binding. # AddUserKeyBinding(event, binding, joy) is the equivalent screen action. # ukm_remove_binding(event, binding, joy) is a function that will remove the given keymap binding. # RemoveUserKeyBinding(event, binding, joy) is the equivalent screen action. # `event` is an event name as in ukm_event_order, `binding` and `joy` are the variables stored by KeyBindingGrabBehaviour (see below). # # To add a key binding, add KeyBindingGrabBehaviour('target_var', exclude_displayables=[...]) # to a dedicated screen where the user can input their desired keybind. # The exclude_displayables parameter should be a list of displayable IDs that the code should ignore when grabbing input. # This should usually be the confirm and cancel buttons at the least, so the user can exit the screen properly. # The last pressed key binding will be stored in the store variable whose name is given as the first argument. # For instance, if the string 'key_binding' is given, the binding will be stored in store.key_binding. # The key binding stored is a tuple of (binding, name, joy). `binding` and `joy` are the parameters # that should be passed to ukm_add_binding()/AddUserKeyBinding(). # # Trimmed-down example from Twofold code: # # screen preferences_keymap: # on "hide" action Hide('preferences_keymap_add') # on "replaced" action Hide('preferences_keymap_add') # # ... # # for event in ukm_event_order: # if event is None: # null height 25 # else: # label ukm_event_descriptions[event]: # ... # # hbox: # ... # # for binding, name, joy in ukm_get_bindings(event): # label name: # ... # imagebutton: # ... # action RemoveUserKeyBinding(event, binding, joy) # # imagebutton: # ... # action Show('preferences_keymap_add', dissolve, event) # # screen preferences_keymap_add(event): # python: # if not hasattr(store, '_keymap_captured_key'): # store._keymap_captured_key = (None, None, None) # # binding, name, joy = store._keymap_captured_key # if not name: # name = '(nothing)' # # frame id "preferences_keymap_add_frame": # ... # # add KeyBindingGrabBehaviour('_keymap_captured_key', exclude_displayables=['keymap_add_ok', 'keymap_add_cancel']) # # text "Please press the keys or buttons you want to bind.": # ... # # text name: # ... # # imagebutton id "keymap_add_ok": # ... # action [ AddUserKeyBinding(event, binding, joy), Hide('preferences_keymap_add', dissolve) ] # # imagebutton id "keymap_add_cancel": # ... # action Hide('preferences_keymap_add', dissolve) # import renpy as rpy import pygame import collections if persistent._user_keymap: config.keymap = persistent._user_keymap else: persistent._user_keymap = config.keymap if persistent._user_joymap: config.pad_bindings = persistent._user_joymap else: persistent._user_joymap = config.pad_bindings # Event types. UKM_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPES = { pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP, pygame.MOUSEWHEEL } UKM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_TYPES = { pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP } UKM_CONTROLLER_EVENT_TYPES = { rpy.display.core.EVENTNAME } UKM_INPUT_EVENT_TYPES = UKM_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPES | UKM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_TYPES | UKM_CONTROLLER_EVENT_TYPES UKM_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS = collections.OrderedDict([ ('meta', pygame.KMOD_META), ('ctrl', pygame.KMOD_CTRL), ('alt', pygame.KMOD_ALT), ('shift', pygame.KMOD_SHIFT) ]) # Human-readable keymap descriptions. ukm_event_descriptions = dict( rollback=_('Roll back text'), screenshot=_('Take screenshot'), toggle_fullscreen=_('Toggle fullscreen'), game_menu=_('Menu'), hide_windows=_('Hide UI'), quit=_('Quit'), iconify=_('Minimize'), help=_('Help'), rollforward=_('Roll forward text'), dismiss=_('Proceed'), dismiss_hard_pause=_('Force proceed'), skip=_('Skip text'), toggle_skip=_('Toggle text skipping'), fast_skip=_('Fast skip text'), save_delete=_('Delete save file'), developer=_('Developer menu'), launch_editor=_('Launch editor'), choose_renderer=_('Renderer choice'), reload_game=_('Reload game'), inspector=_('Style inspector'), focus_up=_('Up'), focus_down=_('Down'), focus_left=_('Left'), focus_right=_('Right') ) # Keymap order. None indicates vertical spacing. ukm_event_order = [ 'dismiss', 'rollback', 'rollforward', 'skip', 'toggle_skip', 'fast_skip', None, 'hide_windows', 'screenshot', 'game_menu', 'help', 'toggle_fullscreen', 'iconify', 'quit', None, 'focus_left', 'focus_right', 'focus_up', 'focus_down' ] if config.developer: ukm_event_order.extend([ None, 'developer', 'reload_game', 'inspector', 'launch_editor' ]) # Name for keysyms. ukm_keysym_names = { 'EXCLAIM': u'!', 'QUOTE': u"'", 'QUOTEDBL': u'"', 'HASH': u'#', 'DOLLAR': u'$', 'AMPERSAND': u'&', 'LEFTPAREN': u'(', 'RIGHTPAREN': u')', 'ASTERISK': u'*', 'PLUS': u'+', 'COMMA': u',', 'MINUS': u'-', 'PERIOD': u'.', 'SLASH': u'/', 'COLON': u':', 'SEMICOLON': u';', 'LESS': u'<', 'EQUALS': u'=', 'GREATER': u'>', 'QUESTION': u'?', 'AT': u'@', 'LEFTBRACKET': u'[', 'BACKSLASH': u'\\', 'RIGHTBRACKET': u']', 'CARET': u'^', 'UNDERSCORE': u'_', 'BACKQUOTE': u'`', 'UP': _('Up'), 'LEFT': _('Left'), 'RIGHT': _('Right'), 'DOWN': _('Down'), 'NUMLOCK': _('Num lock'), 'CAPSLOCK': _('Caps lock'), 'SCROLLOCK': _('Scroll lock'), 'LSHIFT': u'Shift', 'RSHIFT': u'Right shift', 'LCTRL': _('Ctrl'), 'RCTRL': _('Right ctrl'), 'LALT': _('Alt'), 'RALT': _('Right alt'), 'LMETA': _('Ctrl') if sys.platform != 'darwin' else _('Cmd'), 'RMETA': _('Right ctrl') if sys.platform != 'darwin' else _('Cmd'), 'LSUPER': _('Win'), 'RSUPER': _('Win'), 'EURO': u'€', 'RETURN': 'Enter', 'PAGEUP': 'Page up', 'PAGEDOWN': 'Page down', 'ESCAPE': 'Esc', 'DELETE': 'Del' } ukm_mouse_button_names = { '1': 'Left click', '2': 'Middle click', '3': 'Right click', '4': 'Scroll up', '5': 'Scroll down' } ukm_position_names = { 'pos': 'up', 'neg': 'down', 'None': 'neutral' } ukm_keysym_values = { val: name for name, val in pygame.__dict__.items() if name.startswith('K_') } def ukm_binding_to_friendly(name): keyname = [] suffix = '' # Modifier keys. if name.lower().startswith('repeat_'): name = name[len('repeat_'):] suffix += ' (held down)' if name.lower().startswith('noshift_'): name = name[len('noshift_'):] while any(name.lower().startswith(meta + '_') for meta in ('super', 'meta', 'ctrl', 'alt', 'shift')): meta, name = name.split('_', 1) keyname.append(ukm_keysym_names['L' + meta.upper()]) # Joystick keys. if name.startswith('pad_'): _, interface, position = name.split('_', 2) interface = interface\ if position in ('pos', 'neg', 'None'): interface = interface\ .replace('left', 'left stick ')\ .replace('right', 'right stick ') name = '{} {}'.format(interface.capitalize(), ukm_position_names[position]) name = name.replace('x down', 'left')\ .replace('x up', 'right')\ .replace('y down', 'up')\ .replace('y up', 'down') else: interface = interface\ .replace('left', 'left ')\ .replace('right', 'right ')\ .replace('dp', 'd-pad ')\ .replace('guide', 'home') name = '{} button'.format(interface.capitalize()) keyname.append(name) return ' + '.join(keyname) # Keyboard key name mangling. if name.startswith('K_'): # K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE... name = name[2:] if name.startswith('KP'): # KP0, KP_DIVIDE... name = name[2:].lstrip('_') suffix += ' (keypad)' if not name: return None if len(name) == 1: # a, A, 0... keyname.append(name + suffix) elif name.startswith('mousedown') or name.startswith('mouseup'): # Mouse names. _, button = name.split('_', 1) keyname.append(ukm_mouse_button_names.get(button, 'Mouse button #{}'.format(button))) elif name.startswith('F'): # F1, F2... keyname.append(name + suffix) elif name in ukm_keysym_names: # Known keyboard symbols. keyname.append(ukm_keysym_names[name] + suffix) else: # Fallback, simply capitalize the raw name. keyname.append(name.capitalize() + suffix) return ' + '.join(keyname) def ukm_extract_binding(event): if event.type in UKM_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPES: if event.type != pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: return (False, None) return (False, 'mouseup_{}'.format(event.button)) elif event.type in UKM_KEYBOARD_EVENT_TYPES: if event.type != pygame.KEYDOWN: return (False, None) base = ukm_keysym_values.get(event.key) mods = [] for name, mod in UKM_KEYBOARD_MODIFIERS.items(): if event.mod & mod: mods.append(name) if base and mods: return (False, '_'.join(mods) + '_' + base) elif base: return (False, base) elif mods: return (False, '_'.join(mods)) else: return (False, None) elif event.type in UKM_CONTROLLER_EVENT_TYPES: return (True, event.controller) def ukm_get_bindings(event): bindings = [(binding, ukm_binding_to_friendly(binding), False) for binding in config.keymap.get(event, [])] for binding, events in config.pad_bindings.items(): if event in events: bindings.append((binding, ukm_binding_to_friendly(binding), True)) return bindings def ukm_add_binding(event, binding, joy): if joy: config.pad_bindings.setdefault(binding, []) config.pad_bindings[binding].append(event) else: config.keymap.setdefault(event, []) config.keymap[event].append(binding) renpy.clear_keymap_cache() renpy.restart_interaction() def ukm_remove_binding(event, binding, joy): if joy: if binding in config.pad_bindings and event in config.pad_bindings[binding]: config.pad_bindings[binding].remove(event) else: if event in config.keymap and binding in config.keymap[event]: config.keymap[event].remove(binding) renpy.clear_keymap_cache() renpy.restart_interaction() class KeyBindingGrabBehaviour(Null): def __init__(self, target, excludes=None, exclude_displayables=None, **kwargs): super(KeyBindingGrabBehaviour, self).__init__(**kwargs) = target self.excludes = excludes or [] self.exclude_displayables = exclude_displayables or [] def event(self, ev, x, y, st): # Check event types. if ev.type not in UKM_INPUT_EVENT_TYPES: return # Check excluded events. for exclude in self.excludes: if renpy.map_event(ev, exclude): return # Check for a mouse event in excludes displayables. if ev.type in UKM_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPES: evx, evy = ev.pos for displayable in self.excludes: x, y, width, height = renpy.get_image_bounds(displayable) # Within bounds? if evx >= x and evy >= y and evx <= x + width and evy <= y + height: return # Store event and tell Ren'Py to ignore it. joy, binding = ukm_extract_binding(ev) if binding is not None: setattr(store,, (binding, ukm_binding_to_friendly(binding), joy)) renpy.restart_interaction() raise renpy.IgnoreEvent() class AddUserKeyBinding(object): def __init__(self, command, binding, joy): self.command = command self.binding = binding = joy def __call__(self): ukm_add_binding(self.command, self.binding, class RemoveUserKeyBinding(object): def __init__(self, command, binding, joy): self.command = command self.binding = binding = joy def __call__(self): ukm_remove_binding(self.command, self.binding,